Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University (MADI) was established by Decree of the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR №748 dated 12/13/1930 on the basis of the Faculty of Road, Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers and the Higher Road School.
The main task of the university is to prepare highly qualified personnel for road transport, road bridge and airfield construction, the industry of road building machines, automated control systems in the road transport complex in the context of the humanization of higher technical education, including the upbringing and development of a socially active and creative personality of a future specialist .
The University trains mechanical engineers of automobile transport, road-building machines, hydropneumatic automation and hydraulic drive; road transport engineers; mechanical engineers for the research, testing and operation of internal combustion engines; civil engineers of highways, bridges, tunnels and complex mechanization of construction, traffic engineers, system engineers; economists in road transport and road construction; Bachelors in all of the above specialties.
Scientific schools were founded in MADI, the founders of which were outstanding scientists: academicians B.S. STECHKIN and E.A., CHUDAKOV, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences N.R.BRILING and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.N. SOLOVIEV, honored scientists and technicians of the RSFSR, doctors of technical sciences L.L.AFANASIEV, V.F. BABKOV, N.I. BEZUKHOV, P.P. BERG, A.A. BROMBERG, A.P. VLADZIEVSKY, E.E. GIBSHMAN, V. V. EFREMOV. A.N. ZELENIN, N.N. IVANOV, G.V. KRAMARENKO. Yu.M. LAKHTIN, G.S. MASLOV, A.O. NIKITIN. Yu.A. STEPANOV, A.N. SHEININ, S.V. SHESTOPEROV. P.I.SHILOV.
Through its many years of research, the MADI scientific team has contributed to improving the efficiency and reliability of cars and engines, reducing their toxicity, increasing turnaround times, reducing the complexity of maintenance and repair. He made a major contribution to the creation of a scientific organization of road transport and traffic safety in the cities of our country. The scientific team of the University conducted significant research in the field of improving the design of machinery and equipment for road construction. Scientists-road workers have completed a wide range of works on the introduction of computer-aided design, improving test methods and evaluating transport and operational indicators of roads and airfields, improving the quality of road-building materials, and using industrial waste in road construction.
In November 1987, on the basis of MADI, an educational and methodological association was organized on automotive and road specialties, uniting 104 universities in 9 specialties and 9 specializations.
Professors and teachers of the university are the authors of a large number of textbooks, monographs and study guides, many of which are accepted by the higher educational institutions of our country as stable. A number of textbooks and monographs have been translated into foreign languages.
Specialists are trained at the university in full-time, evening and correspondence forms of study at 8 faculties, in 22 specialties with a total student body of up to 10,000 people. On the proposal of the scholarship commissions, full-time students who are successful in all subjects receive a scholarship.
The duration of full-time studies is 5 years. At the Faculty of Design and Mechanics, the period for training engineers (in certain specialties) is 5 years 6 months. The term of study at the evening department is 5 years and 9 months. Classes in the evening are held 4 times a week (in the evening).
Since 1989, the Moscow Center for Automobile and Road Education (ICADO) has been operating on the basis of MADI, which was created with the aim of implementing an integrated approach to the training of specialists at various levels for the automotive complex and other industries.
MADI is one of the leading universities in the engineering and scientific training of citizens from foreign countries and provides training for 67 foreign countries. The university has a preparatory faculty for foreign citizens. Graduates of a specialized department of the Russian language are given a diploma with the right to work as a translator and teacher of the Russian language.

What programs can I study at MADI

In case your command of Russian is not too good or lacks at all, you should first have a course at Preparatory Faculty for foreign students

In case you speak Russian and have a relevant certificate or a mark in your school-leaving certificate, you can apply for


Preparatory Faculty Dean’s office (room 385, 386) – 8-499-1550409, e-mail:

Foreign Students Main Faculties Dean’s office (room 382) – 8-499-1550311, e-mail:

Visa and Registration Department (room 375) – 8-499-1510581, e-mail:

Team SCB-MADI from Madi, Moscow, Russia, pose for a team portrait at Make the Future 2016 on Friday, July 1, 2016 in London, UK. (Shell)
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