NITA, LLC is one of the leading Russian companies in the field of research and development in civil and state aviation
NITA, LLC is one of the leading Russian companies in the field of research and development in civil and state aviation, the supplier of technical solutions for air traffic management system (ATM).
Successful cooperation with the leading aviation industry enterprises, modern technology utilization, integrated approach and more than 25 years experience enable us to handle tasks of any degree of complexity and to offer the best option for any customer.
Main lines of business:
• ATC centres equipping
• Supply of communication, navigation, surveillance (CNS) systems
• Designing aviation-related buildings and constructions
• Supply of simulators and training systems
• Production and construction of modular buildings
• Multi-purpose software development
Reseach and Production Corporation “Lianozovo Electromechanical Plant”
Reseach and Production Corporation “Lianozovo Electromechanical Plant” (JSC LEMZ R&P Corp.) – the enterprise specializing in the development and production of radar systems and control systems for various purposes. The factory was founded in 1935 and initially was engaged in repair and manufacturing of passenger cars. In 1951, it was redeveloped for production of complex electronic equipment. And next year, mastered the production of radio and radar stations. Nowadays their mission is to assist our partners in the matter of getting clear picture of everything that takes place in the sky. Their goals are:
- To create solutions that do exceed expectations of our Customers
- To create solutions, which do ensure sustained and faultless performance
- To use the most advanced techniques for creation of solutions
- To take into account the opinion of our partners while creating solutions
- To create solution within shortest possible time
Air Traffic Control Automated System
- Terminal Area Radar Systems
- Air-Route Radar Systems
- Secondary Surveillance Radar Systems
- Air Traffic Control Automated Systems
- Surveillance Systems
- Modernization
Piramida AICS, which has no equivalents on the Russian market, is designed as the system of real time and is applicable for ensuring automation of various tasks, namely collection, fusion and storage of data coming from various sources and transfer of this data to interacting systems, monitoring of readiness of search-and-rescue forces and aids for fulfillment of search-and-rescue work, processing of incoming signals of emergency in automatic mode and displaying of these signals on geo-underlying background, assistance in taking decision about attracting search-and-rescue aviation forces and aids to search-and-rescue operations, monitoring of forces and aids in the course of search-and-rescue work, generation of record documents.
The core of Piramida AICS is Russian domestic geo-informational system developed by LEMZ R&P Corp. JSC. This system allows generating vector maps of a zone of search-and-rescue with different types of objects placed thereon in various scales and in 3D modes, as well as resolving cartographical tasks.
Developers of Piramida AICS do explore continually the most advanced information processing technologies capable to ensure most optimal solutions of tasks. Application of image recognition and artificial intellect techniques can be regarded to such developments. After approbation these developments will be implemented into existing and new products.If you are looking for bracelet. There’s something to suit every look, from body-hugging to structured, from cuffs to chain chain bracelet and cuffs.
Terminal Area Radar Complex
Terminal-area S-band radar complex “Lira-А10” is intended for use as a source of radar data about air situation in an airport zone for automated and non-automated ATC systems. Lira-A10 complex comprises the following:
Primary radar with equipment for processing and combining of radar data from PSR and SSR and for sending radar data to consumers. Built-in interconnected monopulse secondary radar of the type MVRL-K capable to operate in S-mode, or a secondary radar of another type (upon the Customer’s request). Interface with an independent SSR of any type can be ensured as well.
Search and Rescue
LEMZ R&P Corp. JSC performs successfully the functions of the contractor in the framework of fulfillment of the Federal Target Program (FTP) on “Modernisation of Air Traffic Management Consolidated System of the Russian Federation (2009-2020)”. One of directions of activities within this FTP is constuction and equipping with modern hight-tech equipment of search-and-rescue centers of Aerospace Search and Rescue Consolidated Service.
In 2012 LEMZ R&P Corp. JSC has completed the part of activities related to this FTP, namely “Construction of Structures and Installations for Arrangement of Aerospace Search and Rescue Center with Coordination Center for Search and Rescue in the City of Ekaterinburg”. The first Russian Coordination Center for Search and Rescue created basing on latest information processing technologies was opened in Ekaternburg by Mr. A. V. Vedernikov, Deputy Director of Rosaviatsiya (Russian Federal Air Transport Agency), in presence of representatives of federal and regional authorities.
On the 25th of June, 2014 the opening ceremony carried out by Mr. A. V. Neradko, Director of Rosaviatsiya, took place in Kurumoch airport of the city of Samara for the second Aviation Serach and Rescue Center with Coordination Center for Serach and Rescue.
Bothe centers mentioned above are based on PYRAMIDA Automated Data Management System (ADMS) developed on the initiative of LEMZ R&P Corp. JSC.